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Discussion 6.1 Television in Everyday Life

Discussion 6.1 Television in Everyday Life

Q We saw how I Love Lucy represented and became part of everyday life. How is television part of everyday life now? For our discussion, you'll post about the experience of television spectatorship in your every day life. So you'll need to do some observation, because you'll be posting about things that are so ubiquitious and natural seeming that you likely do not usually notice them. First, look at the television listings in your area. First, you'll notice all the channels beyond broadcast, because we are in the cable/broadband era. Next, answer the following questions: 1. What genres of shows predominate? 2. Observe what is on television when you watch a typical 15 minutes of it (whatever that means to you). Post about what different kinds of content were on television? What different audiovisual styles? What, if anything, connected the different parts? 3. Choose another 15 minute block of time, anywhere, anytime in your usual day or night, and pay attention to what screens you can see during this time. Are they television screens? Computer screens? Other screens? What is on them? Which can you hear? How, if at all, are they connected to television in content and audiovisual style?

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The discussion this week is really interesting. It is because the way we watch TV has completely changed. The genre that mostly predominate is crime shows, family comedy shows, reality shows. Then there are some reruns of shows like Friends, Simpsons, The Big Bang Theory. As OTT platform are coming into prominence more and more often, TV viewership is dwindling. I do not remember the last time I watched TV for a straight half and hour. The first 15 minutes that I watched, I saw some reruns and some commercials. To be honest TV seems like a drag now because the whole process is too time taking and tiresome. On the other hand, the smartphone or the tab helps to watch the content that I want, that too in the time I prefer and with no unwanted hindrances or blockers